Tim and Dad went into Bunnings and SuperCheap early on to get some bits and pieces. Tim repaired the torn flyscreen on my bed end, fitted some chrome hanging rail to the roof near the bathroom cubicle, and fixed the catch on the vanity cabinet. And i gave the van a bit of a tidy up and folded laundry.
We wanted to take Jordy to see a sugar mill (he is interested in sugar cane) but the nearest one was back in Sarina (about 30min south) so we headed off before lunch. Looking though the tourist brochures it looked like there was a museum there as well but turns out it is not open Mondays :( We were early for the tour so grabbed some lunch and drove out to Sarina Beach. A lovely little spot on the water that turtles apparently nest along. Season ends around now though so we won't get a chance to see any hatching.

Back home just in time to shower the kids and have a quick BBQ dinner. Boys crashed in bed after a big afternoon.
Lucky Darcy getting some fairy floss, Jordy would never have been allowed to try it at that age. Does that mean Darcy will get a real cake for his birthday?