Darcy, ever the daredevil, was right in there and happy to run all around the place.

There were three big slides for the grown ups. I had a go on the slowest one first, and then I had a go on the speedier narrow tube… .and then Nardia and I decided to go together on the red one that you ride tandem in a big tube. We were at the top and the attendant asked if we’d been on it before- we said no- she mentioned that it was dark inside. Fair enough. But no, seriously! It was dark inside. Totally black! We could not see a thing and we are belting down the slide flying from side to side and up the edge and around the corners and we had no idea what was coming up next. It was hilarious fun.

Then back out to Litchfield Café. Nardia spent the next few days playing with the kids for the mornings and then each afternoon we headed out to Wangi or Walkers or somewhere else around the place. We finally got down to Blythe Homestead, an old cottage from the early mining days, to have a look around. It was interesting to read the old stories in the family album they had there and look around at the old cattle yards etc.

We have been talking about having a BBQ dinner down at Wangi falls one day but had never gotten around to it. Well we finally did! We all headed out after work and took a big feed and some beers and sat around and enjoyed the afternoon…. Until the bloody sprinklers came on! Right on dinner time as we are finishing our meal and the massive big pop-up jet sprinklers pointed right over the table and BBQ area start up. So we had to run around like crazy people packing up the food and towels and bits while the kids thought it was great fun to spin the nozzles around and wet all the gear. Hhmmmm.
We took the day off again to take Nardia back to Darwin. Mum and Dad had been out to the wharf at Darwin before for a meal but I hadn’t. Lovely view and a great way to spend an afternoon. But for some bizarre reason with all the great local seafood available just about every single restaurant there sold imported barramundi! What’s with that?
We decided to head a little early to the airport so that Jordy could watch the aeroplanes. We ended up going through security and heading upstairs to watch them take off, which Darcy enjoyed as well.
Bit sad all round the next morning when both the boys woke up and wanted to head into Lala’s tent. But not long now until we head off from here and see a bit more of the country before heading to see her in Sydney and then back to see the rest of the family at home.