The markets were MASSIVE! I don't think we saw it all. Got a good variety of fruit and vege at incredible prices. Peaches were 50c a kilo, potatos were 70c a kilo, grapes $1 a kilo, 3 avocados for $1, etc etc. We bought several bags and it totalled $8.50 so really happy with that. I also bought a nice summery cotton dress for $5, a plastic bag holding bag for $2, Jordy got some sunnies for $5. Mum got a nice hat for $10. But the vast majority of stalls were selling good stuff (as opposed to the ususal market stalls that look like someone has cleared out grandpa's garage full of crap!) They even had goldfish and chickens :)

The town on the island is much bigger than we all expected. I thought it would be a little village (like Lake Cathie at home) but it's a thriving little metropolis with several shopping centres and heaps of flash looking housing developments. I'm curious to see what the population is. We noticed that Lions had sponsored all the bus shelters over there and done the Memorial Park. Something that we probably would never even noticed before we became Lions. We'll have to look and see when the Bribie club meets.

On the way over we noticed a fruit and vege stall with incredible prices. 9c a kilo for tomatos and onions! Seriously- 9c! How can you even pick them for that price??? I think we might stock up before we leave town.
Got back, did a load of washing, had a beer and sat and discussed our plans for the next week or so. We are keeping an eye on the cyclone up north. We wanted to head to Hervey Bay on Tuesday but at this stage it is all wait and see.
Having homemade pizzas with the works on the weber BBQ for dinner tonight so i had best go get that organised. Will come back tonight and post photos.
Its nice to see everyone having fun while the rest of us are working hard :-)