Had a nice leisurely breakfast... Tim treated himself to bacon and eggs :) then packed up and headed off for the 2+half hour trip to Ballina. Got the timing right this time and left at 10:30 so the kids slept almost the whole way and only got grouchy with 10minutes to go so we are pretty sure we are right with the maximum of three hours per trip.
We are loving the caravanners wave! LOL! and have noticed that people are more likely to wave before midday than they are after lunch. Seems like people get grouchy and the howdy wave becomes too much effort after midday... but Tim is working to improve his odds.
Arrived at a wonderful 5star facility in Ballina, otherwise known as 'Grandma's house'. Bloody hot in Ballina so we all just sat around and melted in the 36' heat. Tim went and bought beer. Mum and Dad arrived just in time for dinner (they got a flat tyre at Ulmarra) and we sat around and complained about the heat until it was time for bed and we retired to our air conditioned caravan.
We are loving the caravanners wave! LOL! and have noticed that people are more likely to wave before midday than they are after lunch. Seems like people get grouchy and the howdy wave becomes too much effort after midday... but Tim is working to improve his odds.

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