Nice relaxed day today. We are staying here for several nights and even though there is a fair bit to do in town it is all really laid back and nothing that needs any rushing so we can have a breather.
After a slow breakfast Tim, Jordy, Darcy and i had a walk around the park and a jump on the jumping pillow and a quick play in the park. Then we headed into town - I think Charters might be a city but it's a country town city so not a shitty city :) - We drove past a few old buildings and the kind of houses that Tim loves with the massive backyards and a bit of a verandah and plenty of room for a vegie garden for me. We parked near the old Freemasons Lodge which must have been an impressive sight back in the hey-day.

Then we grabbed some groceries and Tim bought a pair of shoes (he has been trying to get a pair of sandels since we left home and it's taken this long!). Back to the van and we dragged the ice-cream machine out and Tim made orange sorbet while the rest of us had a quick dip in the pool (Darcy napped.

We sat around and had our cheese platter (those tiny tomatoes are tasty) and were amazed that it was already after 5pm! Where did the day go?!?!
Tried to have a webchat with family back home but i think our microphone must have been thrown out or left behind somewhere so we typed while they talked which was slow and really not the same so we're off to buy a microphone to try again.
Homemade steak burgers for dinner. Once again i crashed putting Darcy to bed and then dragged myself up at 10:30 for sorbet and a cup of tea and then back to sleep (with a nice snuggly doona this time.)
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