it feels like we have been trying to head off for AGES! It really hasn't been. After all, we only made the decision to do this about three months ago. But with us moving out of our house when we put it on the market, and then back in again when it sold so quick, and then trying to move into the van when we went to Sydney but having to come back to the house to clear it out and then having planned to leave a week ago but not being able to get the finances in order soon enough and delaying a day, then two days and then a full week!!! Finally, we have made it out of town.
It actually worked out well with us not leaving so soon as we got to stay with Tim's parents about 10 days or something and it was just great for the kids, and really nice for Tim and i with family popping in all the time for a visit and a coffee (or beer).
But i think we said 'goodbye' to family about three times when we thought it would be the last time we'd catch up... only to still be hanging around like dirty socks three days later. They turned up this morning to make sure we really did bugger off.

Here are the kids in the truck and ready to go. And our odometer for the start of our big lap!!!

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