We did not technically go to Channel Point, but that’s the easiest way to find it on any map. Because we have gotten to know a lot of the locals and, in particular, the local aboriginal community, we were lucky enough to be able to head out to the community on the coast out here. So we loaded the boat on the truck, packed a heap of food, and off we went.
It’s just a dirt road out there with not much in the way of signs and as we got closer to the coast and reached an intersection Tim called Mal up on the CB and asked what way we were supposed to go…. “Just turn at the land council sign for Bolgol Community was all they said…” was Mal‘s reply. I think Dad thought Tim had directions and Tim thought Dad had directions! Apparently the instructions Tim got was turn left at the black water tank and right at the coconut grove but we were at a fork in the road and there were no water tanks and there certainly were no coconut trees… .So we picked a road and off we went. 10km later we hit a locked gate so we turned around and came back. Then we chose the other road! LOL!

Road #2 was bumpy! And we put the truck through her paces with some 4WDing, sand bogs, ditches, and tight turns. Then all of a sudden we ended up at the coast. We still had no idea where the mob were that we were headed out to see and had to call in and ask for directions at the first camp we came to. A bit further along found a green water tank and a heap of banana trees…. Near enough! so we stopped for a chat and to find out where we were supposed to be. The view from the huts along the water was just amazing. It would be a totally different life but to just live out there on the edge of the bay would be incredible.
Eventually we found our coconut trees and we parked the cars in the shade, unloaded the boat, set up some chairs and off we went to explore.
We did not realise at the time but the tide was fairly well in when we first got there and would probably have been the best time to swim if we were going to take our chances. The aunties said the crocs come in with the tide but apart from then it was usually safe to swim. LOL! I think if we went again we would know where and when to go for a swim but this time we thought it better safe than sorry.

Tim, Dad, and Jordy headed out in the boat to see what they could catch. We did not have high hopes seeing as it was the Spring Tide, is that an official thing?? Or just what the locals call it? No idea, but it is the extreme high and low at the moment and the fish have gone someplace nicer. But that’s about our luck with fishing anyway. Suffice it to say- they caught nothing!

Anyway, while they were out in the boat Mum, Darcy and I decided to go for a walk along the beach. We only made it a few hundred metres. The rock pools were far too interesting.

The tide was well out when the empty-handed fishermen returned and after a bit more of a wander we headed to camp for lunch and a drink.

The kids played in the sand with their sandcastle tools, we wandered out to take a photo of the boat! Jordy became a mud-monster and chased me around throwing mud (charming). Dad went for a wander and found us a coconut. Yum! The kids cracked open a big clam shell mussel thing. Yuk! Then Jordy kicked a ball around and we had another walk around the rocks.

The local women were out bringing in their crabs traps… not sure if they got anything. I ran into one of the blokes we know from the cafĂ© as he was checking a line that was set up in a tree and he told us they get some nice mud crabs around the place. He pointed out the old black fellas fish trap where they catch some good sized fish when the season is right (they use the big ring of rocks to trap the fish in when the tide goes out).

While we hung around for a chat Jordy went for a swim in one of the rock pools. I had a hard time getting him out! Then it was time to pack up and head home. The kids were asleep within minutes!

On the way home we drove past a goanna up on its hind legs just checking out its surrounds. Was cool to see. Tim stopped so I could run back to try to get a photo but he sat down and trudged off into the bush as I got closer so you can’t see the incredible yellow stripes on his back that we saw from behind… but this is him from a distance! LOL!

We also saw a wedge-tail eagle with its young baby eagle. The baby was not small at all! But had a very different sounding call. Neither of us had ever seen two wedge-tails together before and I am not sure when they start to get territorial with their young??? So that was rather special to see.

It was a great day out. I think Mum and Dad intend to return and camp out there when they are back in the NT next year if they come this way… and Tim is keen to get back when the fishing is good! Apparently the women have bought in 25 barra a day when the season is right just from standing on the rocks out there! Maybe they could pass Tim a line and let him reel it in J
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