I’ve been doing a lot of bird watching this week. There are just so many birds out here and they are such a challenge to photograph that I have become a bit addicted. There are a few billabong and wetlands areas around but I have not bothered to go that far afield. And these are all taken right around Litchfield Café. Actually, they are mostly all taken within about 5metres of our caravan! The Honeyeater ones I walked a whole 30-40metres from the van and sat out in the yard out the back.

The boys even come and sit with me while I try to catch them mid-flight. But Darcy wants to touch them and so keeps walking up to where they perch and scares them away. Or he stands up and yells and signs bird, bird, BIRD! Which the birds don’t seem to enjoy and they bugger off and perch in the bush and just watch until we go away. But I won’t give up until I get a good in-focus wing shot of them!

I took the boys for a drive to Florence Falls earlier in the week. Actually, we had been expecting a friend to call in to the Café for a couple of days because we knew should would be in Litchfield but when the week rolled on and we had not seen her we figured things must have gotten busy and she did not have time to call out…. So for the first time all week I took the kids out and about to go for a walk and as Murphy could have predicted about half an hour after we drove out Helen turned up. Tim showed her around the place hoping we’d get back in time but half an hour after she left I got back home with the kids. Bugger!
But Florence Falls was nice- an easy stroll down to the swimming hole and back up again. Lots of rock wallabies out. I carried Darcy in the sling so I did not take the camera but I’ll have to go back cos the wallabies (who are normally quite shy) must be more used to people and we saw them hiding amongst the rocks in a few spots. There was a tiny one (smaller than a possum) that was sitting along a small track off the main walkway and even Jordy was able to get about a metre away from him and he just sat and watched us and moved about through the little rock hole he had. Both the boys thought that was pretty amazing and Jordy moved really slowly and spoke in a whisper the whole time we were watching him.
We did not go for a swim (there are easier spots in the park to take little kids!) but the water was really nice and the falls looked beautiful. We have to get back to Wangi! But have not had a chance this week. Oh, we did go there last weekend. There was a tree planting thing on and you could go down and plant a tree in the park grounds and we thought that would be really cool. We know the people from Greening Australia that were organizing it and it was supposed to go from 1pm to 5pm so we thought we’d have time after work. We turned up a little after 4pm and they had run out of trees!! How rude. Jordy was a bit disappointed but the bloke gave him a soccer ball. LOL! And I think that made it all better.
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