Friday, August 21, 2009

week 25- the countdown begins!

Just counting down the days until we leave now! We made a countdown calendar for Jordy to cross the days off. I booked our tickets on the Ghan and have started looking at things to do and places to go once we head south.

I don’t think I have taken a single photo this week. Sorry. The kids both have colds (thanks to some yucky east coast bug spread around up here by Nardia I reckon!) so any photos would just involve lots of snotty noses. Been lucky with no winter colds though, a benefit of not really having winter I suppose.

It’s really warming up again up here with some steamy days that the locals are all complaining about saying it’s going to be an early “build-up” this year (what they call the month before the wet season where all the days are muggy and stinking hot) so looks like we will be leaving just in time.

week 24- nothing to see here!

Well, I don’t think anything interesting happened at all this week- holiday wise, anyway. I found a house to buy! But apart from that we had some busy days at the cafĂ© and did not much else.